Think Organise Do

Spectrum Strategies


Project Overview

Creative Direction

Think Organise Do

We've always had a heart for a cause. Being able to help kids is right at the top of the list for us. Josh Fitzpatrick former CEO of Bike Exchange and Gail Preston former Principal of the Eastern Ranges school combined forces to form the incredible nuerodiversity startup "Think Organise Do". Put simply Think Organise Do is an e-Learning platform that provides information and resources for those wanting to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disability (ID) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism,” - Dr. Stephen Shore

Saturate was engaged to develop the logo, branding and visual language for the platform as well as designing the downloadable assets for the website which was developed by our pals at Dash Creative. Over the space of a year, we worked to develop the platform together into its current form which is changing lives around the world. Enabling easy access to information for parents and educational and developmental resources for kids and adults with different abilities.

On commencement, we visited a child with ASD and her home environment to really get around the UX (User Experience) component of the project as well as how to form a visual language that would be calm, smooth and steady for the transfer of visual information from the website and brand assets to users. Further to this we built and curated an image library of over 300 images to illustrate the website's incredible written content. And most recently personally designed a website for the Pro version This is a continuing project that we are devoted to and love.

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Discovery Session

We invite you to join us for a complimentary 30-minute discovery session. We'd like to learn about your project, plus share our thoughts and insights to get you started.

We're a remote based Sunshine Coast Creative Agency servicing APAC so if you're in Noosa pop in, if you're elsewhere lets line up a video chat.

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